Work With Us


UPSLIS continually paves the way in research on information issues, problems, and concerns in the Philippine information environment.

The School has a thriving research culture, with students and faculty presenting their work in various international conferences and publishing in local and international journals.

We also publish an open access refereed academic journal, the Philippine Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies(PhJLIS), formerly the Journal of Philippine Librarianship. In publication since 1968, the PhJLIS serves as a battleground for academic debate on information theory and praxis, providing a platform through which academics and industry experts can examine issues in information access, records management, information governance, the organization of information, information ethics, and many other fields of study.

There is also an annual student research colloquium hosted by the School where students from the various LIS schools around the country come together to present their theses and projects.

The UPSLIS faculty has a diverse range of academic research interests, from archives advocacy all the way to young adult librarianship! When you remember that library science is Class Z of the Library Congress Classification, you better believe we have everything covered from A to Z!

Extension Services

We deliver professional related extension services to communities, organizations, and institutions. Services include consulting, skills-building, continuing education, training and workshops, assessment and auditing, and solutions development among others in the fields of Information Systems, Archiving, Records Management, Museology, Library Science, Arts Management and related areas. You may contact to discuss your specific needs.