More About Us
The UP School of Library and Information Studies is the pioneer library school in the Philippines with programs for the graduate and undergraduate levels. In 1914, under the College of Liberal Arts, the first courses in library economy were offered but on July 1, 1961, the UP Institute of Library Science became a separate degree granting unit. Since its establishment, it has consistently contributed to the development of librarianship and information science education and profession. It continues to produce top ranking graduates who are sought after in the field of LIS, archives and records management, information systems management, knowledge management, and the like.
The UPSLIS is the Center of Excellence in Library and Information Science as recognized by the Commission on Higher Education because of its faculty and student profile, research productivity, and contribution to the field. Alongside this recognition is its membership in 2016 to the iSchools Consortium whose objective is to advance the information field and bridge information, people and technology.