How can I request for issuance of documents/certifications?

Due to the pandemic and alternative work arrangements in place, SLIS OCS only issues electronic or soft copy version of requested documents and are free of charge as of this posting.


  1. Student queues up via the following SLIS OCS Google Form link: https://forms.gle/jtk1R1Ac4bb57ZDx6

    Note: For security purposes, the form is only accessible through UP mail account. If not using UP mail account, do not answer the form. Email instead, and mention inability to answer the form due to a lack of UP mail account.

    LINK for UP Mail concerns: https://itdc.up.edu.ph/uis/the-up-mail

  2. Student requests e-Document/Certification via colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph

    Use the following email format:

    Document Request/DEGREE PROGRAM/Surname
    (e.g. True Copy of Grades/BLIS/dela Cruz)
    Complete Name
    Student Number
    Degree Program
    Document/s Requested

    UP ID - scanned copy (front and back), or any government-issued photo ID

  3. SLIS OCS verifies request and replies to student’s email with the requested electronic document/certification

How do I claim my diploma?

The SLIS OCS is currently accepting claiming of diploma requests on a limited but accommodative capacity due to the current alternative work arrangement in place.


  1. Student requests diploma claiming via colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph

    Use the following email format:

    Diploma Claiming /DEGREE PROGRAM, Term Graduated/Surname
    (e.g. Diploma Claiming/MLIS, 2Sem 2019-2020/dela Cruz)
    Complete Name
    Student Number
    Degree Program
    Semester and Academic Year of Graduation


    1. University Clearance – A screenshot of student\’s CRS account showing pertinent details will suffice
    2. UP ID - scanned copy (front and back), or any government-issued photo ID

  2. SLIS OCS replies to student\’s email with the claiming details.
  3. Student confirms preferred schedule of claiming.
  4. SLIS OCS issues diploma with necessary releasing and receiving documents as detailed in email.

How do I apply for graduation?

DEADLINE: After the first week of classes


  1. Download and fill-out the application form https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1wYgUJZQ2GjC1mlv8kQ5EB2m_Sa12o8EE
  2. Email accomplished form to colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph
    For graduate students: copy furnish the GPC at gpc.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph

    Use the following email format:

    Application for Graduation, Term/DEGREE PROGRAM/Surname
    (e.g. Application for Graduation, 2sem 2021-2022/BLIS/dela Cruz)
    Complete Name
    Student Number
    Degree Program
    Request: Application for Graduation as of the end of (TERM)

    Accomplished Application for Graduation Form

  3. Student awaits evaluation for inclusion in Tentative List of Candidates for Graduation.

How do I apply for Leave of Absence?

OUR LINK: https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/flowchart/newloa.pdf
DEADLINE: Check current Academic Calendar via OUR Website Link: https://our.upd.edu.ph/acadcal.php


  1. Student applies for LOA via the CRS and writes a letter of application for LOA addressed to the Dean. Explain your reason for filing. This may include details of the reason stated online.
  2. Student signs the letter and emails in pdf format to colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph for evaluation and endorsement. For graduate students: copy furnish the GPC at gpc.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph

    Use the following email format:

    LOA Application, Term/DEGREE PROGRAM/Surname
    (e.g. LOA Application, 1s 2022-2023/MLIS/dela Cruz)
    Complete Name
    Student Number
    Degree Program
    Reason for LOA/expounded version of the reason stated on CRS

    Signed letter in pdf format
    Supporting documents (may be certifications such as employment, medical, as deemed necessary)

  3. SLIS OCS processes the LOA application via CRS
  4. Student pays LOA fee. Check the UPD Cash Office website for latest instructions on this. Payment completes the LOA transaction while unpaid LOA application may be cancelled anytime

Unless deficiencies are settled first, the following students cannot apply for LOA:

  1. students with unpaid classes,
  2. students with unfinished Change of Matriculation (COM) applications,
  3. students with unpaid dropping applications,
  4. students with unpaid Residence application, and
  5. non-academically eligible students.

If falling under any of the above categories, email the SLIS OCS at colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph.

Use the following email format:

Unable to file LOA App for (specify semester)/DEGREE PROGRAM/due to deficiency/SURNAME
(e.g. Unable to file LOA App for 1s 2022-2023/MLIS/due to deficiency/dela Cruz)
Screenshot of CRS showing the accountability/ineligibility tag
Undergraduate students below 18 years old are required to ATTACH a letter of consent signed by parent or guardian.

How do I apply for Readmission from AWOL or Return from LOA?

The readmission from AWOL and return from LOA period varies every semester. Announcements regarding these processes are made via the UPSLIS website, UPSLIS Facebook Page, and UP SLIS Community Group in Facebook. Kindly check these channels from time to time to keep track of each readmission/return cycle.

How do I apply for Leave of Absence Extension?

OUR LINK on OUR instructions for LOA extension application https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/announce/loaexapp.pdf


  1. Once the LOA application has been approved, student emails rcs_our.updiliman@up.edu.ph with the subject: LOA_extension_name;
  2. OUR sets the LOA extension application as “paid”.
  3. Student prints copy of approved LOA Application Form via CRS Settlement of Outstanding Transaction Module

How do I apply for dropping?

OUR LINK: https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/flowchart/newdropping.pdf
DEADLINE: Check current Academic Calendar via OUR Website Link: https://our.upd.edu.ph/acadcal.php

Filing of dropping application is done via CRS.


  1. Student submits dropping application via CRS Dropping Module.
  2. Student informs instructor of intent to drop and seek approval.
  3. Student informs program adviser and proceeds with online advising.
  4. After online advising - Student awaits Dean’s approval via CRS. The SLIS OCS approves dropping application on behalf of the Dean.
  5. For Payment - Student uses CRS Settlement of Outstanding Transaction Module. Payment of Dropping fee completes student’s dropping application.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If student’s status is already “For payment”, student may create Payment Slip using CRS Settlement of Outstanding Transaction Module.

Note per CRS Dropping Module:

  1. Paid. This is the final stage of a successful dropping application. You will see a grade of DRP for the class only when your class instructor officially submits your grade at the end of the semester.
  2. Canceled. You may cancel an active (i.e. unpaid) dropping application anytime. Canceling an application cannot be undone. You may however, submit another dropping application should you decide to proceed with dropping the class.
  3. Instructor's Consent Withheld. Once your instructor withholds their consent for your dropping application, then it is considered terminated. However, if you manage to convince your instructor otherwise, you may then submit a new application.

How do I apply for late registration/matriculation?


  1. Student writes a letter of appeal for late registration/matriculation; explains reason for late transaction/for missing the period allotted for the transaction.

    Appeal for late registration for students with no enlisted classes:

    1. Attach a signed certification from the course instructors of the classes who have accommodated the appeal.
    2. Specify in appeal letter the course number, section, and schedule of the classes being requested.​

    Appeal for late change of matriculation:
    1. Specify in appeal letter the course number, section, and schedule of the classes being requested for changing.
    2. If requesting to add a class, attach a signed certification from the course instructor of the classes who have agreed to accommodate.​

    Address the appeal letter to:
    • For students covered by RA 10931/Free Tuition

      University Registrar
      UP Diliman

    • For students not covered by RA 10931/Free Tuition (paying)

      UP Diliman

      University Registrar
      UP Diliman

  2. Student signs the appeal letter and sends in pdf format to colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph for endorsement request

    Use the following email format:

    Appeal: Late Registration/Matriculation, Term/DEGREE PROGRAM/Surname
    (e.g. Late Registration, 1S 2021-2022/BLIS/dela Cruz)
    Complete Name
    Student Number
    Degree Program
    Request: Endorsement of Appeal for Late Application for Registration/Matriculation for (specific semester)

    Signed letter of appeal in pdf format

    SLIS OCS emails back the college-endorsed letter to student.
  3. Student emails the endorsed letter to the OUR via our.diliman@up.edu.ph for verification, approval, and online assessment.

For late payment: Once student’s CRS status shows “For payment”, student may create Payment Slip using CRS Settlement of Outstanding Transaction Module.

Is there instruction for thesis and special problem submission?

Thesis and Special Problem Templates and Binding Guidelines

Visit: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1QgjCYLe15zVn6FSfN8ia7rvVUfrYy5Wg

Submission of Bound Copies
Bound Thesis/SP copies must be submitted via courier to the SLIS Office.
The delivery details for bound copies submission are as follows:
UP SLIS Office (Room 11)
School of Labor and Industrial Relations
R.P. De Guzman St., University of the Philippines
TDiliman, Quezon City

Submission of E-signed Adviser, Reader, and Approval Page
After their adviser endorses their Thesis/SP to the Dean, they must have their adviser and reader sign (with e-sig) their adviser and reader page.
The student must then submit the signed pages to Ms. Rhina Franco at smfranco@up.edu.ph, and cc: colsec.slis.updiliman@up.edu.ph.
Please use the subject:
Your Surname - LIS 290 Adviser and Reader Page
(e.g. Santos - LIS 290 Adviser and Reader Page).