The UP School of Library and Information Studies Library congratulates the winner of its Logo Design Contest, Mary Therese Laput.
The winning logo design by Laput features a yellow open book with an S-shaped curve in front that evokes the shape of an unfurled bound-in bookmark. The letters L and I are also subtly included in the designthe former as the edge of the book and the latter as the yellow circle and the book gutter.
The contest was opened to UP SLIS Library Interns in the Second Semester, 2020-2021 and the First Semester, 2021-2022. The interns were asked to design a logo for the Library and incorporate SLISs official color. Eight interns submitted their design entries. Faculty members from UP SLIS served as judges for the selection. Laput will receive a certificate of recognition and a token from the Office of the Dean.
Immediately after this announcement, the logo will be used as part of the enhanced branding strategy of the Library. It will be used in official documents such as letterheads, social media postings, and other publicity materials.
For inquiries or research assistance, the UP SLIS Library can be contacted through the following means:
Library Email: library@slis.upd.edu.ph
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slislib.up
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UPSLISLibrary
Published: 2022-03-10 15:44:33