UP SLIS Lecture Series 2014: Technology Trends for Libraries

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<p>The<strong> University of the Philippines School of Library and Information Studies (UP SLIS)</strong>, Diliman, Quezon City, announces the offering of its Lecture Series entitled <em><strong>Technology Trends for Libraries</strong></em> on the <em>27th of October, SLIS Rooms 3 &amp; 4 , UP SLIS, Diliman, Quezon City</em>. The speaker is <strong>Mr. Dan Anthony Dorado</strong>, a full-time faculty of the UP SLIS.</p>

<p>The lecture will talk about the tools and trends of emerging technologies in libraries and information centers (LIC) and how early adopters or prototypes of technologies are assimilated in LIC environment. It will also focus on the impact of technologies on LICs and to their staff, services, and patrons.</p>

<p>The UP SLIS Lecture Series is a quarterly event that aims to showcase the various research outputs of the SLIS community as well as invited speakers. The event is also in commemoration of the 100 Years of LIS Education in the Philippines. </p>

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Published:  2022-03-01 17:00:54