Critical librarianship is an approach to library practice that interrogates the systems and structures of our field in order to understand the ways they privilege dominant groups and perspectives. Examples include articulating the politics of classification and cataloging, diversifying the library workforce, integrating zines and other outsider materials into library collections, and de-centering the power of the librarian in reference and instruction interactions. These conversations have done much to advance social justice as a key concern for library workers in the United States, but have mostly failed to incorporate global perspectives in their analysis. With few exceptions, critical librarianship in the United States has not grappled with the U.S. as itself a structuring force for global inequality. How does librarianship in America participate in the growth and extension of power, and what would a library resistance to this look like? This talk by Emily Drabinski examines how critical librarianship would look different if it took American imperial and colonial legacies and contemporary practices as a site of struggle.
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Published: 2022-03-10 14:21:49