Our head librarian, Miss Jessie Rose M. Bagunu, presented a paper titled Always at Your Service: The UP SLIS Librarys Zoom with Us Live Chat, which she authored with Asst. Prof. Rhea Rowena U. Apolinario and Miss Miriam Charmigrace Q. Salcedo, at the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians, Inc. (PAARL) Summer Conference 2023 in Boracay last 27 April 2023.
The U.P. School of Library and Information Studies Library, which is a part of the University Library System, caters to the curricular and research information needs of the constituents of UPSLIS. The library offers circulation, reserve, reference, information, and readers advisory services to SLIS students, faculty, and staff and it is also open to the constituents of the university as well as researchers and graduate students from other universities.
The Zoom with Us : Live Chat Sessions of the UP SLIS Library was established to provide more meaningful and significant connections, instantaneously answer queries, and enhance the librarys presence to the colleges students, faculty, and general researchers. The service is offered weekly and last for 3 hours per session.
The study explored the insights and experiences of those who attended the live chat sessions and examined the reflections of the librarians who handled the service. It is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach that utilized questionnaires and interview guide to gather data and analyzed them through ascertaining themes and patterns. The research hopes to unravel methods, systems, and techniques to further help librarians perform their roles in this relatively new environment.
Connect with our friendly librarians at the #UPSLISLib Facebook Page, Twitter, and Youtube Channel.
Published: 2023-05-03 07:20:03