[ISSN: 2719-0471 (Online)]
Here’s a holiday present from the UP SLIS!
The UP School of Library and Information Studies (UP SLIS) is pleased to announce the release of Vol. 43, Issue 1 of the Philippine Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies (PhJLIS, formerly Journal of Philippine Librarianship or JPL). This issue contains articles featuring visual literacy for Filipino librarians, perspectives of academic librarians on intellectual freedom, and challenges to digital services in academic libraries. This issue also includes a review of two resources on children’s literature in the Philippines, and an editorial on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). All these articles can be downloaded for free at https://phjlis.org/index.php/phjlis/issue/view/9.
The PhJLIS Editorial Board is led by Assoc. Prof. Iyra Buenrostro-Cabbab (Editor-in-Chief), Asst. Prof. Johann Frederick Cabbab (Assoc. / Issue Editor, and Lay-out Editor), and Asst. Prof. Elijah Dar Juan (Assoc. Editor).
The Editorial Board is accepting submissions all year round. Please visit https://phjlis.org for more information on the manuscript categories, submission guidelines, and editorial policy. For inquiries, please contact editor@phjlis.org.
Happy Holidays!
Published: 2023-12-23 12:41:16