Journal of Philippine Librarianship (JPL) 2014 Call for Papers


<p>Authors are expected to adhere to the following requirements:</p>

<p>Authors are expected to adhere to the following requirements:</p>


<li>Each author should submit a structured abstract of 250-350 words on or before 1 August 2014 by email. Kindly email abstracts to the JPL 2014 Issue Editor and Business Manager at An acknowledgement letter will be sent upon receipt of abstract.</li>

<li>All authors who submitted abstracts must also email the following information about themselves:<ol>

<li type="a">Name</li>

<li type="a">Address and Contact details (home landline no., office landline no., mobile no., email address)</li>

<li type="a">Affiliation (current work)</li>

<li type="a">Educational Attainment</li>

<li type="a">Achievements in library and information science and services and other related fields</li>


<li>Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified by 11 August 2014.</li>

<li>Full paper submission is by 3 October 2014 to allow more time for peer review. All papers must be written in English.</li>

<li>All papers are expected to be original contributions and not previously published elsewhere in a refereed journal like JPL.</li>

<li>Paper format :<ol type="a">

<li>Use Times New Roman Font, size 12.</li>

<li>A full paper should be around 4000-5000 words (including references).</li>

<li>Follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Style for Citation- 5th and 6th Edition</li>

<li>Upon submission of the full manuscript, the author should attach the pre-publication certification, which will be issued by the JPL editor/business manager after the approval of the abstract.</li>

<li>Others requirements will be announced later.</li>



<p>Note : Acceptance of papers in JPL has no monetary rewards.PEER REVIEW PROCESS</p>

<p>Each of the articles submitted will be initially reviewed by the issue editor(s) to find out if the article conforms to the JPLs editorial policies and guidelines. Double-blind review will be used to evaluate the articles. Evaluation of articles will be based on the following criteria:</p>

<p><em> Scholarship</em><br /> <em> Timeliness</em><br /> <em> Depth of treatment</em><br /> <em> Writing precision (mechanical, grammatical and verbal)</em></p>

<p>The reviewers (minimum of two, maximum of three) will be chosen by the Research and Publications Committee based on their field of expertise and articles topic. All reviewers must have a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science or in other related fields, and have already published an article in a peer-reviewed journal.</p>

<p>Submitted and initially approved articles, with comments and suggestions of the referees, will be returned by the issue editor(s) to their respective authors for revision. Articles that have already appeared or were published in other journals or in any other forms of publication will not be considered.</p>

<p>There will be no monetary rewards for both the author and peer reviewers.</p>

<p>For more inquiries, kindly contact:</p>

<p><em><strong>JPL 2014 Issue Editor/ JPL Business Manager and Chair, Research and Publications Committee</strong></em><br /><em>Email:</em><br /><em>UP School of Library and Information Studies</em><br /><em>3rd floor Gonzales Hall, UP Main Library</em><br /><em>Diliman, Quezon City</em><br /><em>Telephone No. (632) 981-8500 local 2869-71</em></p>

Published:  2022-03-01 16:40:35