The Philippine Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies (PhJLIS) currently accepts submissions for 2020. The PhJLIS publishes articles discussing issues and developments from all fields in the area of library and information science, such as law librarianship, health and medical librarianship, information system, archival studies, children and young adult library services, management of library and information centers, history of the book, libraries and the evolution of the profession, philosophy, ethics, core competencies, legal framework and standards in information work, new and emerging technology and services, information storage and retrieval, collection management, cataloging and classification, indexing and abstracting, thesaurus construction, reference and access, reader services, and preservation and conservation of collections. For more information about PhJLIS, please refer to the Journal's Focus and Scope (http://phjlis.org/index.php/phjlis/about).
As the PhJLIS is now running on Open Journal Systems platform, the Editorial Board would like to request the authors to fully utilize the website's functions. In this new format and workflow, we aim to achieve efficiency in keeping track of the articles and deadlines. To know more about the instructions, manuscript categories and editorial policy, please see the Author Guidelines (http://phjlis.org/index.php/phjlis/about/submissions#authorGuidelines).
Should you have inquiries and other concerns related to PhJLIS, you may contact the Editor-in-Chief at editor [AT] phjlis [DOT] org.
Published: 2022-03-10 14:30:33