The sound of jackhammers breaks the quiet of UP Dilimans campus to signal the start of construction for SLIS' new building. This new facility will have an expansive library with dedicated exhibition space, a conservation laboratory, a makerspace, a graduate research center, and subject-appropriate training rooms.
These facilities will greatly boost the School's ability to deliver its mission as the nation's leading LIS higher education institution, not only in an academic capacity but also through enhanced public service endeavours. SLIS is the first school in the Philippines to offer archives courses, and in conjunction with the new conservation and exhibition facilities, would be able to deliver more programs dedicated to preserving Filipino cultural heritage.
The classrooms are also planned to integrate teleconferencing, a long-requested capability by students who live and commute from the provinces, and a necessity in these challenging times of a global pandemic. Combined with new educational media production facilities, these classrooms will enable UP SLIS to reach an even wider and farther audience than before, addressing the shortage of archivists, librarians, records managers, cultural heritage workers, and other information professionals in the country.
Because of quarantine regulations UP SLIS faculty and administration are currently working and teaching from home. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up to date on the work that we do, and tune in to our #WebinarWednesdays for a new video or live stream every week until next year as we countdown towards our 60th anniversary.
Published: 2022-03-07 16:40:39