Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Mary Grace P. Golfo-Barcelona for her election as a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Education and Training Section (SET) Standing Committee!
The IFLA brings together associations and institutions in the library and information field in pursuance of its mission to "power literate, informed and participatory societies". The IFLA operates 8 Professional Divisions, made up of 6-8 Professional Units, of which the SET is one under Professional Division C. "The Section on Education and Training (SET) focuses on the new competencies and tools professional and emerging librarians need in this challenging and rapidly changing information age" and "addresses the skills professionals require to take on leadership roles and to become advocates and change-makers who enrich the lives of the diverse communities they serve." (IFLA website) LIS educators may also be familiar with the SET's Building Strong Library and Information Science Education Working Group (BSLISE) and the LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (LISEDC SIG).
Asst. Prof. Golfo-Barcelona will serve starting 24 August 2023 until August 2027.

Published: 2023-06-20 06:12:29